Understanding how STEM benefits those with an ASD can help secure your child’s future!


Why this Blog?

If there is one concern more than any other that parents voice, it is: What’s next? What does my child do after they graduate high school?

Even though the range of options has increased dramatically over the last number of years: there are college programs, coaching programs, transitional services, etc. all of which support specifically students on the spectrum, nevertheless the hardest questions to answer remain: what particular occupation or career would my son/daughter be able to have? What would they be any good at?

Recently, there has been a renewal of interest in STEM subjects. There is also evidence that students on the spectrum not only gravitate towards those subjects, they do well in technical jobs and careers. STEM3 Academy is dedicated to offering classes and courses within a structured academic curriculum which highlight the technical skills and expertise that will serve our students on the spectrum well, that will support them in applying for and attaining meaningful, lifelong employment.


Recent Evidence

A study published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders found that students with autism choose majors in science, technology, engineering and math at higher rates than students in the general population. (Excerpted from Scientific American, online blog, February 1, 2013)

…by the end of 2015, individuals with autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs) would comprise at least 3% of CAI’s (Computer Aid, Inc.) workforce. (Excerpted from Fortune online, July 23, 2013)

…Though autism impairs social functioning, those on the high-end of the spectrum…typically possess exceptional problem-solving abilities, particularly in the so-called STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields. (Excerpted from Fortune online, July 23, 2013)


About Ellis Crasnow

How STEM is a boon for those on the Spectrum grew out of weekly articles for the Village Glen Newsletter, and had its initial publication in April of 2014. The articles are now reposted on www.stem3academy.org, the website for STEM3 Academy, and earlier articles are archived. Dr. Crasnow is Director of STEM3 Academy, a school for thrice exceptional students, talented and bright students with social and learning differences with an aptitude for STEM-related activities, and Director of STEM Education for The Help Group.

After earning his PhD from the University of Southern California, he taught widely at the college level, both in the United States and in South Africa. He has two daughters both in doctoral programs in the University of California system and is an avid hiker and photographer. He has been part of The Help Group since February of 2008.


What’s next?

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3 Responses to Understanding how STEM benefits those with an ASD can help secure your child’s future! Comments (RSS) Comments (RSS)

  1. Reading your article and surely curious about a training program for my son who is autistic. He just graduated in june and I have no idea on what is next for him and it makes the future a little scary.

  2. It can be very daunting, Sherrie. What is best for your son will depend on his interests and abilities—there are many programs, both transitional and training, that might be suitable. I do wish you, and him, the best of luck.

  3. I Have a 15yr. Old son in 9th grade. We are looking for a suitable placement for Liam. Our Psychiatrist recommended that we tour your school. My son is ASD Level 1 and secondary ED. I would love a tour and to find out if you have any openings for 9th grade.

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